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Friday, January 9, 2009

A Letter to Roland Burris...

Dear Sir,

You arrogant old bastard! Are you so desperate to add to your list of accomplishments before you keel over that you're willing to throw in with the filthiest man in your entire state? Of course you must be. Considering the space that's still left on that shrine you built to youself, deperate times call for desperate measures, right? Wrong! This is just a little too desperate in my not-to-humble opinion. I realize that you may not have gone as far in your political career as you would have liked, but throwing in with Blagojevich is a mistake. In spite of how positive your career might have been, you are now the guy who will always get the side-eye from everyone regarding any decisions you might make as a senator. People are always going to wonder, "Did he pay to play? What's Blago getting out of this?" People are always going to wait for the other shoe to drop with with you and do you know why? Because you didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting that damn senate seat until Blago got busted for trying to sell it. Why? Why not? Who cares? The bottom line is that the newly impeached governor of Illinois offered you tainted goodd, you took them and now you're tainted. And if you think you're going to get re-elected in 2010--not only are you tainted, but you're on crack as well.

I don't quote the bible often...usually because I end up in direct oppostion to it. But the bible says, "shun the very appearance of evil." Words to live by, you old fool.

Get a clue,

The FunkyHeadHunter


  1. well done sis. Surely there are very few headhunters like you. Would definately come back again and again.

  2. I especially hate the way he and Rush played the race card. Like, if I couldn't take you seriously before; congrats you have really ruined it now. This whole ordeal is surreal; like what is going on?
