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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Now THIS Is Some 'Ol Bullshit!!

***I'm a little too pissed off and disgusted to comment on this right just read it.***

DALLAS — Racing to see his dying mother-in-law at a Plano hospital, an NFL player found himself delayed by a Dallas officer as her life ebbed away. It's a story that has sparked outrage across North Texas and generated interest around the country.

Dallas police Chief David Kunkle faced reporters Thursday afternoon to express his embarrassment over the incident and to publicly apologize to the family. He said the officer involved failed to use common sense.

It all started in the early morning hours of March 17. With his wife and another woman in the car, Ryan Moats — a running back for the Houston Texans — sped his car toward Baylor Regional Medical Center of Plano. But when the Moats arrived at emergency room parking lot, they were stopped by Officer Robert Powell, who reportedly drew his service revolver on the concerned family members.

Dashcam video from the Dallas officer's patrol car captured the incident.

"Get in there," Officer Powell yelled out to Tamishia Moats, Ryan's wife, as she exited the car. "Let me see your hands. Get in there. Put your hands on the car."

"Excuse me; my mom is dying," Tamisha Moats replied.

She and the other woman ignored Officer Powell's commands and rushed inside the hospital to her dying mother as Ryan Moats and Officer Powell went back-and-forth over insurance paperwork the NFL player was unable to locate.

MOATS: "I've got seconds before she's gone, man."

POWELL: "Listen: If I can't verify you have insurance..."

MOATS: "My mother-in-law is dying!"

POWELL: "Listen to me."

MOATS: "Right now, you're wasting my time."

POWELL: "If you can't verify you have insurance, I'm going to tow your car. So, you either find it or I am going to tow the car."

As they argued, the officer got irritated.

POWELL: "Shut your mouth. Shut your mouth. You can either settle down and cooperate, or I can just take you to jail for running a red light."

The tape shows a nurse coming out of the hospital, pleading with Officer Powell to let Moats join his wife and her dying mother inside.. "I certainly hope anybody who saw the videotape immediately understood how serious the misconduct is," Chief Kunkle said Thursday afternoon. "I don't know how you train for these circumstances other than to hire people with good common sense and people skills."

In a telephone interview, Moats said the clash with the officer was totally unexpected. "For him to not even be sympathetic at all, and basically we're dogs or something and we don't matter — it basically shocked me," he said.

No compassion was indicated in the police recording of the incident. "I can screw you over," Officer Powell said. "I would rather not do that. You obviously will dictate everything that happens; and right now, your attitude sucks."

"My understanding is that Officer Powell — even after he saw the videotape — believed he had not acted inappropriately," Chief Kunkle said, a view that was underscored by Assistant Chief Floyd Simpson, who reviewed the tape with Officer Powell on Wednesday.

"His belief was simply that he was doing his job," Chief Simpson said. "It did concern me that it just seemed that the compassion was not there."

The hospital twice sent nurses to try and get the officer to release Moats.

"We're blue-coding her for the third time," a nurse said on the police videotape.

A Plano police officer stopped to make a plea for the officer to let Moats go. "Hey, that's the nurse," the Plano officer said. "She says the mom is dying right now, and she wants to know if I can get him up there."

Finally, after a 20-minute delay, the officer ticketed Moats for running a red light.

By the time Moats made it up to the emergency room, his mother-in-law was dead.

"I went up after she passed and held her hand, but she was already gone," Moats said in a telephone interview.

Dallas police have launched a review of the incident.

“When it came to our attention, we immediately called for an internal investigation to be done,” said police spokesman Lt. Andy Havey.

"The essence of being a police officer is common sense and discretion," Chief Kunkle added. "I can't imagine a worse circumstance."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let The Wild Rumpus Start!!!!

Oh hell yeah!! I'm seriously looking forward to this one. Where the Wild Things Are was one of my favs as a kid.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Um...Whooo Lawdy!!!!

Now I am no Ciara fan by any stretch of the imagination. Her voice is too high and thin for my taste and she just seems like a very bad imitation of the late great Aaliyah. However, this video is pretty damn hot even though the song sucks. ***Excuse me while I go pay my deposit for those stripper lessons***

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Um....But It's True!!

Dallas judge criticized for racially charged quote
Wed Mar 18, 2:09 pm ET

DALLAS – The top municipal judge in Dallas faces calls for his resignation over a racially charged column he wrote in a weekly newspaper.

Administrative Judge C. Victor Lander apologized Tuesday for writing in the Dallas Weekly that "black folks have been cleaning up white folks' messes for hundreds of years."

Lander, who is black, said he wrote the column earlier this month to praise reform efforts of the city's first black prosecutor, Craig Watkins.

A member of the Dallas City Council isn't buying the explanation — calling for Lander's resignation. The council appoints municipal judges in Dallas.

Lander has been a municipal judge for 12 years.

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Develop...

...without proper supervision.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Flashback: Black People Need To Get A Fucking Grip...OK?

(See Previous Post)

August 27, 2007

I've been sitting and spinning on my ire for several weeks now, but enough is enough....

Here are the Reader's Digest versions....

Genarlow Wilson - A young black man currently serving a 10 year sentence in Georgia for aggravated child molestation. Why? Because when he was 17 he allowed a 15 year old girl to suck his dick. Even though the blowjob was consensual, 15 was below the age of consent therefore made the act a felon with a mandatory 10 year sentence. Since then, the Georgia legislature has changed the law making it a misdemeanor under those circumstances. But lo and behold, they didn't make the change retroactive and so Genarlow continued to serve his original sentence and would still have to register as a sex offender when he got out. After already serving 2 years of his sentence, a Superior Court in Geogia reduced his sentence to a misdemeanor, gave him time served and order that his name not be added to the sex offender list. The State Attorney General, however, sees this as a grave miscarriage of justice and is appealing the decision which leaves Genarlow still cooling his heels in prison until the appeal is decided.

The Jena 6 - Six black teenagers from Jena, Louisiana are currently being charged with second degree attempted murder. Why? Because they beat up a white kid at a high school they all attended in a town where nooses were hung at this self same school and school property is designated as "white only". The noose incident was written off as a innocent prank by school administration. The rest of this circumstances surrounding this case are even more convoluted and can be located at "" among other places. I suggest you take a look at it you're at all interested.

Now...what do these two cases have in common, other than the facts that they take place in the south and involve black people?


And yet....

The "Black Community" has deemed it necessary to come to the defense of Michael Vick. A man who, as of this morning, admitted to funding and participating in the training, exploiting, and execution of several dogs.

My question is...WHY? Why is it that when it comes to Black celebrities, the black community will bend over backwards to come up with excuses for bad behavior? What Vick did is not only ILLEGAL, it's shows a lack of character. It shows a lack of human decency. Now some of you yahoos can bitch and moan about how we don't know how involved he was in all of this, but the bottom line is that he was involved and condoned these acts which shows a want of feeling on his part. But nobody wants to bring that up. All we're hearing is that this was just another attempt to bring a good black man down. Alright, what makes him so good? The fact that he's successful and makes/made a lot of money? Are the Black Elite determined by the content of their bank accounts as opposed to the content of their character? Is it somehow feasible that self-appointed Al "Somebody please cut this process out of my hair" Sharpton should fly all the way out to L.A to make sure that justice is done in the Paris Hilton case, but no one from the black community calls Vick on his shit?

My boyfriend made an interesting observation. If a child, who may or may not know better, kills an animal (bird, dog, cat, whatever) it is seen as potential serial killer behavior, shrinks are called in, parents freak out, the whole nine yards. And yet here we have a grown man who DEFINITELY knew better, and all we can say is "please don't take away his endorsement deals"?! WHAT THE FUCK???!! Yeah, a man capable of that kind of inhumanity is EXACTLY who I want to inspire my children.

Of course this is also a community that watched Mayor Marion Barry smoke crack on national television, leave office, go to jail....and then re-elected him. A crackhead.

Or better yet, where was all this support of the black dogfighter back in 2005 when LeShon Johnson, a running back for the Arizona Cardinals got sentenced to 5 years? Could it be that the black community didn't care because he was a nothing player on a nothing team?

Is the black community really that weak and superficial? Are we really willing to jump on a ridiculous band wagon to support a rich man who admits to participating in horrible acts and ignore our youth are who are currently staring down the barrels of serious miscarriages of justice that could result in their futures being taken away?

Ike & Tina 2.0...Prelude to a Flashback.

Also known as Chris Brown and Rihanna...

First of all, just to get it out of the way...

1. Is Chris Brown a miserable muthafucka for whooping Rihanna's ass? YES!
2. Is Rihanna one of the dumbest bitches around for staying with him? HELL YES!
3. Did I give a shit about either of these two fools before this mess? NO!
4. Do I give a shit about them now? HELL FUCKING NO!

But what I do care about is the response this situation has been getting. Especially from those who have close to or the same amount of melanin content as I do. Once again, black folks are ready to make excuses for bad behavior.

Kanye "I really need to give up this singing idea" West thinks that everyone should give Chris Brown a break.

Terrance "Yeah, I got caught whooping on a woman once too" Howard thinks that Rihanna should realize how much Chris Brown loves her.

But the people who are really annoying the hell out of me right now are the young black people I see everyday who have said at least one of the following:

1. She probably had it coming.
2. He's a child and he made a mistake.
3. She loves him enough to forgive him, so it's not a big deal.
4. Just because he beat her up doesn't make him a woman beater.

First of all, to quote Chris Rock, "there's a reason to kick an old man down a flight of stairs...just don't do it." Second, Chris Brown in NOT a child. He can vote, own property and make babies. Third, just because this beatdown may have scrambled Rihanna's brains doesn't make what Brown did less wrong or offensive. Fourth, I kinda put woman beaters and child molesters in the same category--Neither of them appear capable of committing their respective acts only once.

I was going to sit here and type out how frustrating this all is when I realized something...I already did type this shit out! Two years ago when the world found out that Micheal Vick as been killing Snoopy. That being said, the post following this one will be a flashback to that blog. It pretty much sums it up as far as I'm concerned.