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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lady Gaga: Paparazzi

Not a huge fan of her music, but I still gotta give it to her for the creativity on this one. Plus anything with Alexander Skarskard in it is tops in my book.

Nigga Moment Of The Day: T-Pain


Is a caption really necessary? Didn't think so.

Adam Lambert: "I'm Gay!"


Like we didn't already fucking know! This is about as shocking as George Michael getting busted (literally and figuratively) in a public men's room or Ellen DeGeneres coming out on Oprah. Big fucking deal!

D20 Groom's Cake

My boyfriend recently got me hooked on roleplaying Dungeons and Dragons. Games such as this were never played in my house because they were considered to be of the Devil (grandmother was an evangelist, y'all). I kind of feel like I'm reliving my childhood with D&D plus I get to have quality time with the main squeeze since he's the DM (dungeon master) of the game. Seriously, you should have seen me when I bought my first set of dice last weekend. Giddy is not the word. Anyway I happened to be trolling around on Boing Boing and saw this picture of a D20 Groom's Cake was submitted. The things you can do with chocolate.


Artist Showcase: Bob Basset

Bob Basset is the moniker for a group of Ukrainian artists (Sergey and Oleg Petrov, Andrei Patlin and Andrey Makaruk) Their stuff looks like something out of everyone's nightmare, which makes it Sicsome (Sick + Awesome) You can check out more of their work as well as their costume elements at


chthulu mask

claw gloves

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pink Lowers the Boom on the Gayfish!!

pink Pictures, Images and Photos

Now Pink has always been my girl. All the way back to when her hair actually was pink. (There You Go..You Make Me Sick...those were my shit!) But after this, Miss Thang has gone up 2d8 in my esteem (shouts out to any Dungeons and Dragons geeks). Apparently, Madame Pink attended the Stella McCartney fashion show in March and had the misfortune of being seated next Kanye "Reading is bad, mkay?" West aka Tha Gayfish aka Nigga-Gwon-Somewhere-For-A-Minute-or-Ten. Well, according to The Sun, she had this to say about the encounter:

"Kanye West is the person p***ing me off right now. I was at STELLA McCARTNEY's Paris fashion show with the vice president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PAUL McCARTNEY and Kanye West. The entire time Kanye is going, 'They need more fur in this show'. He just wouldn't shut up about how he loved fur. I mean, he's saying this to me, the PETA guy and Paul McCartney! I was just so grossed out by him. I'm like, 'You're an idiot!'

"There are so many people who I think are a waste of skin and he's up there. I should wear him.

"Go on, donate yourself Kanye. People can wear your fur."

Fucking Classic :-)

Why Do The Daily Show & Colbert Report...

...always know how to put things into their proper perspective? Oh yeah, and big ups to the black jewish sheriff!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
PR Move
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorKeyboard Cat

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Must Rent Movie: Let The Right One In

Fucking. Awesome. Vampire Movie. If you rent it, don't watch the dubbed English version. Rather, switch it to Swedish audio and English subtitles. The dubbing is not the best.

Friday, April 17, 2009

New Harry Potter Trailer!!!

Can't Wait!!!!!!! nuff said.

The Gayfish & His New Beard

Take a look at Kanye "Gayfish" West along with his current and hottest beard yet, former lesbian (at least when the camera's are flashing) Amber Rose in the new Louis Vuitton sneaker campaign. Sorry, but the shoes and the chick are seriously outshining ya, bruh.


Artist Showcase: The Hubble Telescope

Sometimes beauty doesn't have to be just exists.

A small region in the Swan Nebula

The Ant Nebula

Sombrero Galaxy

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Brad Pitt Is In the Killing "Natzi" Business!

I swear I cannot wait for Inglorious Basterds to come out. August hurrup and get here!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

And The Stupid Bitch Award Goes To...


An unnamed woman visiting the Berlin Zoo yesterday. In an apparent attempt to frolick with polar bears (maybe she watched The Golden Compass too many times), her silly ass jumped into their enclosure and swam with them...during feeding time.


She was bitten several times for her trouble until she was finally hoisted out by the zoo staff. All I have to say is that it is truly fortunate that she was not eaten. Polar bears are intelligent beings and really have no business ingesting anyting THIS FUCKING RETARDED.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ok, PETA Needs to Shut the Hell Up for A While...

I love animals--hell the BF and I have a veritable menagerie at home--and I get super pissed when animals are being mistreated. For that reason, I think that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is on point for bringing to light situations where animals are being abused. But lately, PETA has been pulling a Kanye and thinks so much of itself that it is now championing the ridiculous. First it was the Fish Should Be Called Sea Kitten Campaign. Because, as they say, "who would want to put a hook in a sea kitten?" While I understand the thought behind changing the name to something seemingly warm and fuzzy, the idea isn't terribly realistic. Quite frankly, the name change won't stop me from ordering Yellowtail Sea Kitten at the sushi bar, ya heard? In any case the Sea Kitten Campaign doesn't seem to have gotten any wind in its sails (oh the shock!)

But now these well-meaning yahoos have taken absurdity a step further but sending a letter to the Pet Shop Boys ('80 flashback!) and requesting that they change their name to...drumroll...The Rescue Shelter Boys.

Nigga What??!!

Now the Pet Shop Boys declined, but were still magnanimous by posting the letter on their website. The thought being that the letter might be able to shed light on the treatment of animals in pet stores, kennels, puppy mills, etc. But come on!! This worldwide non-profit has nothing better to do with its time than to bitch about the name of band that most folks don't even know is still around, if they knew they existed at all? ::::SIGH::::

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Butt Nekkid With Glitter On & A Beeper!

I stole this from Little Miss Nobody @ Music. Love. Heartaches & Headaches.

...E.Badu has been and always will be the TRUTH!

...Because There's No Such Thing As A Joke...

Michael Becker

Me Likey!!




Artist Showcase - Rudi Arreglada

one word...dope...




Thursday, March 26, 2009

Now THIS Is Some 'Ol Bullshit!!

***I'm a little too pissed off and disgusted to comment on this right just read it.***

DALLAS — Racing to see his dying mother-in-law at a Plano hospital, an NFL player found himself delayed by a Dallas officer as her life ebbed away. It's a story that has sparked outrage across North Texas and generated interest around the country.

Dallas police Chief David Kunkle faced reporters Thursday afternoon to express his embarrassment over the incident and to publicly apologize to the family. He said the officer involved failed to use common sense.

It all started in the early morning hours of March 17. With his wife and another woman in the car, Ryan Moats — a running back for the Houston Texans — sped his car toward Baylor Regional Medical Center of Plano. But when the Moats arrived at emergency room parking lot, they were stopped by Officer Robert Powell, who reportedly drew his service revolver on the concerned family members.

Dashcam video from the Dallas officer's patrol car captured the incident.

"Get in there," Officer Powell yelled out to Tamishia Moats, Ryan's wife, as she exited the car. "Let me see your hands. Get in there. Put your hands on the car."

"Excuse me; my mom is dying," Tamisha Moats replied.

She and the other woman ignored Officer Powell's commands and rushed inside the hospital to her dying mother as Ryan Moats and Officer Powell went back-and-forth over insurance paperwork the NFL player was unable to locate.

MOATS: "I've got seconds before she's gone, man."

POWELL: "Listen: If I can't verify you have insurance..."

MOATS: "My mother-in-law is dying!"

POWELL: "Listen to me."

MOATS: "Right now, you're wasting my time."

POWELL: "If you can't verify you have insurance, I'm going to tow your car. So, you either find it or I am going to tow the car."

As they argued, the officer got irritated.

POWELL: "Shut your mouth. Shut your mouth. You can either settle down and cooperate, or I can just take you to jail for running a red light."

The tape shows a nurse coming out of the hospital, pleading with Officer Powell to let Moats join his wife and her dying mother inside.. "I certainly hope anybody who saw the videotape immediately understood how serious the misconduct is," Chief Kunkle said Thursday afternoon. "I don't know how you train for these circumstances other than to hire people with good common sense and people skills."

In a telephone interview, Moats said the clash with the officer was totally unexpected. "For him to not even be sympathetic at all, and basically we're dogs or something and we don't matter — it basically shocked me," he said.

No compassion was indicated in the police recording of the incident. "I can screw you over," Officer Powell said. "I would rather not do that. You obviously will dictate everything that happens; and right now, your attitude sucks."

"My understanding is that Officer Powell — even after he saw the videotape — believed he had not acted inappropriately," Chief Kunkle said, a view that was underscored by Assistant Chief Floyd Simpson, who reviewed the tape with Officer Powell on Wednesday.

"His belief was simply that he was doing his job," Chief Simpson said. "It did concern me that it just seemed that the compassion was not there."

The hospital twice sent nurses to try and get the officer to release Moats.

"We're blue-coding her for the third time," a nurse said on the police videotape.

A Plano police officer stopped to make a plea for the officer to let Moats go. "Hey, that's the nurse," the Plano officer said. "She says the mom is dying right now, and she wants to know if I can get him up there."

Finally, after a 20-minute delay, the officer ticketed Moats for running a red light.

By the time Moats made it up to the emergency room, his mother-in-law was dead.

"I went up after she passed and held her hand, but she was already gone," Moats said in a telephone interview.

Dallas police have launched a review of the incident.

“When it came to our attention, we immediately called for an internal investigation to be done,” said police spokesman Lt. Andy Havey.

"The essence of being a police officer is common sense and discretion," Chief Kunkle added. "I can't imagine a worse circumstance."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let The Wild Rumpus Start!!!!

Oh hell yeah!! I'm seriously looking forward to this one. Where the Wild Things Are was one of my favs as a kid.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Um...Whooo Lawdy!!!!

Now I am no Ciara fan by any stretch of the imagination. Her voice is too high and thin for my taste and she just seems like a very bad imitation of the late great Aaliyah. However, this video is pretty damn hot even though the song sucks. ***Excuse me while I go pay my deposit for those stripper lessons***

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Um....But It's True!!

Dallas judge criticized for racially charged quote
Wed Mar 18, 2:09 pm ET

DALLAS – The top municipal judge in Dallas faces calls for his resignation over a racially charged column he wrote in a weekly newspaper.

Administrative Judge C. Victor Lander apologized Tuesday for writing in the Dallas Weekly that "black folks have been cleaning up white folks' messes for hundreds of years."

Lander, who is black, said he wrote the column earlier this month to praise reform efforts of the city's first black prosecutor, Craig Watkins.

A member of the Dallas City Council isn't buying the explanation — calling for Lander's resignation. The council appoints municipal judges in Dallas.

Lander has been a municipal judge for 12 years.

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Develop...

...without proper supervision.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Flashback: Black People Need To Get A Fucking Grip...OK?

(See Previous Post)

August 27, 2007

I've been sitting and spinning on my ire for several weeks now, but enough is enough....

Here are the Reader's Digest versions....

Genarlow Wilson - A young black man currently serving a 10 year sentence in Georgia for aggravated child molestation. Why? Because when he was 17 he allowed a 15 year old girl to suck his dick. Even though the blowjob was consensual, 15 was below the age of consent therefore made the act a felon with a mandatory 10 year sentence. Since then, the Georgia legislature has changed the law making it a misdemeanor under those circumstances. But lo and behold, they didn't make the change retroactive and so Genarlow continued to serve his original sentence and would still have to register as a sex offender when he got out. After already serving 2 years of his sentence, a Superior Court in Geogia reduced his sentence to a misdemeanor, gave him time served and order that his name not be added to the sex offender list. The State Attorney General, however, sees this as a grave miscarriage of justice and is appealing the decision which leaves Genarlow still cooling his heels in prison until the appeal is decided.

The Jena 6 - Six black teenagers from Jena, Louisiana are currently being charged with second degree attempted murder. Why? Because they beat up a white kid at a high school they all attended in a town where nooses were hung at this self same school and school property is designated as "white only". The noose incident was written off as a innocent prank by school administration. The rest of this circumstances surrounding this case are even more convoluted and can be located at "" among other places. I suggest you take a look at it you're at all interested.

Now...what do these two cases have in common, other than the facts that they take place in the south and involve black people?


And yet....

The "Black Community" has deemed it necessary to come to the defense of Michael Vick. A man who, as of this morning, admitted to funding and participating in the training, exploiting, and execution of several dogs.

My question is...WHY? Why is it that when it comes to Black celebrities, the black community will bend over backwards to come up with excuses for bad behavior? What Vick did is not only ILLEGAL, it's shows a lack of character. It shows a lack of human decency. Now some of you yahoos can bitch and moan about how we don't know how involved he was in all of this, but the bottom line is that he was involved and condoned these acts which shows a want of feeling on his part. But nobody wants to bring that up. All we're hearing is that this was just another attempt to bring a good black man down. Alright, what makes him so good? The fact that he's successful and makes/made a lot of money? Are the Black Elite determined by the content of their bank accounts as opposed to the content of their character? Is it somehow feasible that self-appointed Al "Somebody please cut this process out of my hair" Sharpton should fly all the way out to L.A to make sure that justice is done in the Paris Hilton case, but no one from the black community calls Vick on his shit?

My boyfriend made an interesting observation. If a child, who may or may not know better, kills an animal (bird, dog, cat, whatever) it is seen as potential serial killer behavior, shrinks are called in, parents freak out, the whole nine yards. And yet here we have a grown man who DEFINITELY knew better, and all we can say is "please don't take away his endorsement deals"?! WHAT THE FUCK???!! Yeah, a man capable of that kind of inhumanity is EXACTLY who I want to inspire my children.

Of course this is also a community that watched Mayor Marion Barry smoke crack on national television, leave office, go to jail....and then re-elected him. A crackhead.

Or better yet, where was all this support of the black dogfighter back in 2005 when LeShon Johnson, a running back for the Arizona Cardinals got sentenced to 5 years? Could it be that the black community didn't care because he was a nothing player on a nothing team?

Is the black community really that weak and superficial? Are we really willing to jump on a ridiculous band wagon to support a rich man who admits to participating in horrible acts and ignore our youth are who are currently staring down the barrels of serious miscarriages of justice that could result in their futures being taken away?

Ike & Tina 2.0...Prelude to a Flashback.

Also known as Chris Brown and Rihanna...

First of all, just to get it out of the way...

1. Is Chris Brown a miserable muthafucka for whooping Rihanna's ass? YES!
2. Is Rihanna one of the dumbest bitches around for staying with him? HELL YES!
3. Did I give a shit about either of these two fools before this mess? NO!
4. Do I give a shit about them now? HELL FUCKING NO!

But what I do care about is the response this situation has been getting. Especially from those who have close to or the same amount of melanin content as I do. Once again, black folks are ready to make excuses for bad behavior.

Kanye "I really need to give up this singing idea" West thinks that everyone should give Chris Brown a break.

Terrance "Yeah, I got caught whooping on a woman once too" Howard thinks that Rihanna should realize how much Chris Brown loves her.

But the people who are really annoying the hell out of me right now are the young black people I see everyday who have said at least one of the following:

1. She probably had it coming.
2. He's a child and he made a mistake.
3. She loves him enough to forgive him, so it's not a big deal.
4. Just because he beat her up doesn't make him a woman beater.

First of all, to quote Chris Rock, "there's a reason to kick an old man down a flight of stairs...just don't do it." Second, Chris Brown in NOT a child. He can vote, own property and make babies. Third, just because this beatdown may have scrambled Rihanna's brains doesn't make what Brown did less wrong or offensive. Fourth, I kinda put woman beaters and child molesters in the same category--Neither of them appear capable of committing their respective acts only once.

I was going to sit here and type out how frustrating this all is when I realized something...I already did type this shit out! Two years ago when the world found out that Micheal Vick as been killing Snoopy. That being said, the post following this one will be a flashback to that blog. It pretty much sums it up as far as I'm concerned.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Photography: Brick Icicles??? Brickles??

Danny Choo posted these pics on Boing Boing and had this to say:

"This abandoned Russian fortress is probably one of the creepiest places I have seen.

The reason for it to have such a strange look is because it was used later by Russian army to test the influence of Russian alternative to napalm inside of the brick houses.

Due to very high temperature of napalm the bricks started melting just like ice melts in the spring forming the icicles, but those icicles are of red brick."





Friday, February 13, 2009

Quentin Tarantino: Inglorious Basterds

Oh I know where I'm gonna be in august. I do love a good bloodbath!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It'll Be A Cold Day In Hell...

...before this broad gets a dime of my money!

Does that make me an insensitive bitch? Probably. But the fact remains that this chick, Nadya Suleman, was already the mother or 6 children (3 of which are disabled) before she decided to channel her own inner bitch and have litter of 8 more children. That's fourteen children, ya'll. Fourteen children for a single mother who has no job, is living with her parents, is currently $50K in debt and receiving foodstamps. Happy accidents are one thing, but this chick already had enough children to start her own music group. So why in God's name would she risk her health and that of her children by not only deciding to go through invitro again, but choosing to carry all eight to term? Her mother thinks that she isn't wrapped too tight and it's not hard to see why. This broad wanted a whole bunch of babies with no way to pay for their care and upbringing and now she's looking for a handout. No Fucking Way!

Do I feel sorry for these kids? Of course, I do--they're looking at being raised in poverty by a total crackpot. So why won't I donate? Because I (and no one else for that matter) has no reason to beleive that any money given to this broad will go toward taking care of those children. How do I know that she won't save it up to see if she can carry ten next time? And believe me, there will be a next time. Just like people who don't know when to stop with the plastic surgery, this one doesn't know when to stop with the baby-making. I'll be damned if I contribute to enabling her in what is obviously a psychological condition.

Where is Homey Da Clown and his sock when you him??

Friday, February 6, 2009

Flashback: A Prayer for the Whipped

So I actually started this blog on Myspace a few years ago and it kind of fell off. Now that I'm focused on Tha Borderlands, I thought that I'd post some of my old blogs (in no particular order) each week, just to give folks an opportunity to see where I've been coming from. I must say that after reading some of them, I think I've mellowed out a bit. Enjoy.

June 23, 2006

A Prayer...For the Whipped

I said I would have this blog ready by the end of the week and I intend to keep my promise. But, I have to admit that I struggled to find the words to express my sadness, dismay, and disgust over the subject of this particular entry...Whipped Men.

I guess I had trouble figuring out how I wanted to approach this particular subject.

On one hand, I'm sympathetic towards the plight of the Whipped Man. Deep down I know that a whipped man is a good man, a kind man, a gentleman who has fallen prey to a far more aggressive woman in possession of what may or may not be the poonani from heaven. I know that the reason these men are such easy prey is because of their overwhelming need for outside validation. It is this need that sends them running into the arms of their oppressors to be ruled by an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove. I know that whipped men can and have been productive members of society but when given the choice between the needs of the many and the needs of She Who Must Be Obeyed, the many can kiss their asses goodbye.

I also realize that the relationship between the whipper and the whipped is very symbiotic. The whipper is worshipped and the whipped finds solace in the attention (be it positive or negative) they receive. Both parties are obviously attempting to fill some hole caused by a certain lack of self esteem and if they aren't harming anyone else in the process, what difference does it make, right?

But then on the other hand, I wonder...

What the fuck is the matter with these dudes?! No amount of coochie in the world is worth losing your self-respect--if you had any to begin with! What's worse is that now, pussy isn't the determining factor for being whipped. A guy can be totally whipped without having even smelled it let alone hit it. And these bastards are multiplying like rabbits! They're coming out of the womb with big signs on their foreheads that read "Please, whip my ass!"

Many a time have I sat and watched one of these dickless wonders give up family, friends and asprirations for the sake of the megabeast. It has sickened me to my core. Have I tried to do something about it? Yes! But unfortunately, the first symptom of being whipped is Can't Understand Normal Thinking syndrome or C.U.N.Ts. The ability to hear goes flying out the window right along with reason and rationale.

And inspite of all of this, one has to ask...where the fuck are the homeboys?!! Where are the men who will take these pathetic souls under their wings and dump them in a Fight Club where they'll be beaten until they can see straight? Whatever happened to Bros before Hoes?

It is a sad and sordid mess, my friends. And I know that there isn't an easy answer. All one can do is sit, reflect, and pray for their salvation.

And that is what I will do. I will pray that one day these gentle creatures will open their eyes and retrieve their balls from the mason jar under their oppressor's bed.

Love, Peace & Soul

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Iraqi Shoe Monument

A huge sculpture of one of the shoes that went flying at ole Dubya's head last month has been unveiled in front of the Tikrit Orphanage in Iraq. Apparently the sculptor, Laith al-Amiri, sculpted the shoe with the help of the children living in the orphanage. While reason dictates that it is completely inappropriate and disrepectful to throw anything at any visiting international official, my inner revolutionary was tickled pink when I saw those bad boys launched across the room. Too bad Dubya's still pretty spry in his old age.

Let's Run Through the House W/Scissors, Ya'll!

A friend of mine sent me this and it's true. The way I was raised ('70s baby, '80s child) is much different from the way that kids today are getting brought up.

TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!!

First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant.

They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.

Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paints.

We had no child proof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking.

As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, booster seats, seat belts or air bags..

Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat.

We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle.

We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank Kool-aid made with sugar, but we weren't overweight because,


We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.

No one was able to reach us all day. And we were OK.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all,no 150 channels on cable, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet or chatrooms...

WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.

We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.

We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and although we were told it would happen, we did not poke out very many eyes.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them!

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!

These generations have produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever!

The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned HOW TO DEAL WITH IT ALL!

If YOU are one of them CONGRATULATIONS!

You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated so much of our lives for our own good .

While you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave (and lucky) their parents were.

Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Amnau Eele Needs to Mind Her Own Damn Business!

Amnau Eele, the co-founder of the Black Artists Association (which represents black PAINTERS not black DESIGNERS) decided she wanted to pitch a bitch about Michelle Obama's wardrobe choices on Inauguration Day and had this to say:

"It's fine and good if you want to be all 'Kumbaya' and 'We Are the World' by representing all different countries. But if you are going to have Isabel Toledo do the inauguration dress, and Jason Wu do the evening gown, why not have Kevan Hall, B Michael, Stephen Burrows or any of the other black designers do something too?"

Who said that First Lady Obama (damn that's got a nice ring to it) was trying to be all "Kumbaya or We Are the World" with her fashion choices? Is it completely out of the realm of possibility that the woman picked those outfits because she fucking LIKED them regardless of who made them? Here we are in the midst of one of if not THE greatest moments of our history in this country and this broad is basically belittling it by jumping on some trite and ignorant bullshit.

Apparently, as a result of these stupid ass comments, she started receiving death threats. Now personally, I think that's a bit extreme. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind taking Miss Thang out to the woodshed for a Come To Jesus meeting about having your damn priorities in order.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Being Loved vs Being "In Love"...

So yesterday, I was talking to my Six-Foot-Six-Mountain-of-Carmelly-Goodness and he told me that a friend of ours and his girlfriend broke up. This sux because I really liked those two together. Anyway, when I asked why, he told me that she had issues with the fact that while he loved her, he was not "in love" with her.

Oh brother...

Now while I try to re-seat my rolling eyes, allow me to explain my opinion about being loved as opposed to being in love. And considering the fact that I'm fucking starving right now, I'm using food analogies. The difference between being loved and being in love is the same as the difference between the main course and the side dishes.

Being loved is like eating a perfectly cooked steak. It's tasty, well seasoned, well rested, nourishing and it sticks to your ribs. It can be and often is, a meal unto itself. Being "in love" is kinda like eating side dishes along with that lovely slab of bovine. Side dishes are great. When done right, they can enhance the taste of the overall meal. But by design, they are not meant to overshadow or diminish the effect of the main course. They can change depending on the mood of the diner. So you had veggies with your steak today; next time you might want fries or something. It's whim food. An accessory and nothing more. Don't believe me? Fine. Let me ask you this: If that $17 steak you order showed up rotten, are you really going to give a shit that the $5 potatoes were yummy? Didn't think so.

My point is that a lot of people put too much stake (no pun intended) in being in love as opposed to loving and being loved. I love my man with 80% of my heart (the other 20% belongs to the Philadelphia Eagles and all things Batman). Whether I'm in or out of love with him at any given time doesn't change that. Quite honestly, we've been too strong for too long (big ups Mary J) to trip on some whimisical shit. We both know better than to get so hung up on the small tasty stuff that our main dish ends up half enjoyed, abandoned, boxed up as leftovers or possibly even given to someone else.

My homie offered her a main course and all she wanted was side dishes...

...Dat's fucked up.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

'Scuse Me While I Get Mushy...

He's the new President of the United States, Commander of the 6th Fleet (and all the rest of them for that matter), and one of, if not the, most powerful man in the world...

...and yet he still hands over his coat to his wifey when she's cold.



Friday, January 23, 2009

South Park Flashback

I love South Park. So much so that at least once a week I think about something South Park related (yeah, it's sad but so what). Anyway, here's today's thought:

Three The Hard Way

This flick was taken while ole Dubya (note: my new favorite phrase is Former President Bush)was taking his seat at the inauguration. I'm sorry, but if not one, not two but THREE sistas are giving you the done fucked up dawg!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

See This: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Moving...Touching...Thought-provoking...nuff said.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Al Sharpton Is Spittin Fire!!!!

I've never been a big fan of Rev. Shapton (let's face it, he needed to cut that process years ago) and I've disagreed with him on numberous occasions. But this past weekend he was the keynote speaker of the Human Rights Ecumenical Service and had this to say regarding the organized faiths that helped both physically and finanically in passing Prop 8 in California:

"There is something immoral and sick about using all of that power to not end brutality and poverty, but to break into people's bedrooms and claim that God sent you." The rest of his speech can be found at

Go 'head Al, I aint mad atcha.

Lil Kim...In The Name of All That's Holy...

...put the goddamn scapel down and flush the bleaching cream!!!! I swear I've actually forgotten what you used to look like!

Can't Be A Plumber... Ok, Be A Journalist!

John McCain did the United States a great disservice this past election season. First, he brought Sarah "the Human Herpe" Palin onto the national stage. Then, ole McThuselh decided to make matters worse by bringing Joe "The Not Really A Plumber" Wurzelbacher to the attention of the electorate. The election is long over and the right man won (thank God!). So why are we still being burdened with these fucking idiots?! Ok, Palin is a politician (tee hee) so I kind of expect her to be around for a while. But Joe??!! Pajamas Media TV ( gave this shitkicker a job as a war correspondent and sent his ass to Gaza!!! WTF??! I can only hope that Joe's new employers are setting him up to be the victim of friendly (or maybe not so friendly) fire.

NFC Championship Game!! Go Eagles!!!

To be honest, I have always shown the Cardinals some love, even though they aren't my team of choice. Hell, I showed em love even when their own state wouldn't give them the time of day. But the fact remains that I am an Eagles Girl. Always have been, always will be. And as such I will be rooting for the Iggles to spank dat redbird ass!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Photographer - Nastassia Davis


As Much As I Love My New Prez....

...I'm a DC Comics bitch all the way! Still, this is kinda cool.

A Letter to Roland Burris...

Dear Sir,

You arrogant old bastard! Are you so desperate to add to your list of accomplishments before you keel over that you're willing to throw in with the filthiest man in your entire state? Of course you must be. Considering the space that's still left on that shrine you built to youself, deperate times call for desperate measures, right? Wrong! This is just a little too desperate in my not-to-humble opinion. I realize that you may not have gone as far in your political career as you would have liked, but throwing in with Blagojevich is a mistake. In spite of how positive your career might have been, you are now the guy who will always get the side-eye from everyone regarding any decisions you might make as a senator. People are always going to wonder, "Did he pay to play? What's Blago getting out of this?" People are always going to wait for the other shoe to drop with with you and do you know why? Because you didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting that damn senate seat until Blago got busted for trying to sell it. Why? Why not? Who cares? The bottom line is that the newly impeached governor of Illinois offered you tainted goodd, you took them and now you're tainted. And if you think you're going to get re-elected in 2010--not only are you tainted, but you're on crack as well.

I don't quote the bible often...usually because I end up in direct oppostion to it. But the bible says, "shun the very appearance of evil." Words to live by, you old fool.

Get a clue,

The FunkyHeadHunter

Transformers 2 Teaser Poster

I wish I was more enthusiastic about this, considering that Optimus Prime has always been my Baby's Daddy...Ah Well...

Hmmmmm...He Might Have A Point....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009