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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It'll Be A Cold Day In Hell...

...before this broad gets a dime of my money!

Does that make me an insensitive bitch? Probably. But the fact remains that this chick, Nadya Suleman, was already the mother or 6 children (3 of which are disabled) before she decided to channel her own inner bitch and have litter of 8 more children. That's fourteen children, ya'll. Fourteen children for a single mother who has no job, is living with her parents, is currently $50K in debt and receiving foodstamps. Happy accidents are one thing, but this chick already had enough children to start her own music group. So why in God's name would she risk her health and that of her children by not only deciding to go through invitro again, but choosing to carry all eight to term? Her mother thinks that she isn't wrapped too tight and it's not hard to see why. This broad wanted a whole bunch of babies with no way to pay for their care and upbringing and now she's looking for a handout. No Fucking Way!

Do I feel sorry for these kids? Of course, I do--they're looking at being raised in poverty by a total crackpot. So why won't I donate? Because I (and no one else for that matter) has no reason to beleive that any money given to this broad will go toward taking care of those children. How do I know that she won't save it up to see if she can carry ten next time? And believe me, there will be a next time. Just like people who don't know when to stop with the plastic surgery, this one doesn't know when to stop with the baby-making. I'll be damned if I contribute to enabling her in what is obviously a psychological condition.

Where is Homey Da Clown and his sock when you him??


  1. lol @ homey the clown comment.

    WOW...I'd heard about the octuplets...but not the background of the situation...i TOTALLY agree with you on the not wanting to give anything to her bit. TOTALLY.

