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Monday, March 16, 2009

Ike & Tina 2.0...Prelude to a Flashback.

Also known as Chris Brown and Rihanna...

First of all, just to get it out of the way...

1. Is Chris Brown a miserable muthafucka for whooping Rihanna's ass? YES!
2. Is Rihanna one of the dumbest bitches around for staying with him? HELL YES!
3. Did I give a shit about either of these two fools before this mess? NO!
4. Do I give a shit about them now? HELL FUCKING NO!

But what I do care about is the response this situation has been getting. Especially from those who have close to or the same amount of melanin content as I do. Once again, black folks are ready to make excuses for bad behavior.

Kanye "I really need to give up this singing idea" West thinks that everyone should give Chris Brown a break.

Terrance "Yeah, I got caught whooping on a woman once too" Howard thinks that Rihanna should realize how much Chris Brown loves her.

But the people who are really annoying the hell out of me right now are the young black people I see everyday who have said at least one of the following:

1. She probably had it coming.
2. He's a child and he made a mistake.
3. She loves him enough to forgive him, so it's not a big deal.
4. Just because he beat her up doesn't make him a woman beater.

First of all, to quote Chris Rock, "there's a reason to kick an old man down a flight of stairs...just don't do it." Second, Chris Brown in NOT a child. He can vote, own property and make babies. Third, just because this beatdown may have scrambled Rihanna's brains doesn't make what Brown did less wrong or offensive. Fourth, I kinda put woman beaters and child molesters in the same category--Neither of them appear capable of committing their respective acts only once.

I was going to sit here and type out how frustrating this all is when I realized something...I already did type this shit out! Two years ago when the world found out that Micheal Vick as been killing Snoopy. That being said, the post following this one will be a flashback to that blog. It pretty much sums it up as far as I'm concerned.

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