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Friday, April 10, 2009

Ok, PETA Needs to Shut the Hell Up for A While...

I love animals--hell the BF and I have a veritable menagerie at home--and I get super pissed when animals are being mistreated. For that reason, I think that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is on point for bringing to light situations where animals are being abused. But lately, PETA has been pulling a Kanye and thinks so much of itself that it is now championing the ridiculous. First it was the Fish Should Be Called Sea Kitten Campaign. Because, as they say, "who would want to put a hook in a sea kitten?" While I understand the thought behind changing the name to something seemingly warm and fuzzy, the idea isn't terribly realistic. Quite frankly, the name change won't stop me from ordering Yellowtail Sea Kitten at the sushi bar, ya heard? In any case the Sea Kitten Campaign doesn't seem to have gotten any wind in its sails (oh the shock!)

But now these well-meaning yahoos have taken absurdity a step further but sending a letter to the Pet Shop Boys ('80 flashback!) and requesting that they change their name to...drumroll...The Rescue Shelter Boys.

Nigga What??!!

Now the Pet Shop Boys declined, but were still magnanimous by posting the letter on their website. The thought being that the letter might be able to shed light on the treatment of animals in pet stores, kennels, puppy mills, etc. But come on!! This worldwide non-profit has nothing better to do with its time than to bitch about the name of band that most folks don't even know is still around, if they knew they existed at all? ::::SIGH::::


  1. You missed where they were staging some baby seal clubbings and the subsequent killing of the baby seal clubbers in World of Warcraft.

  2. Aww Jeez, I think I'm glad I missed that one LOL
