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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

D20 Groom's Cake

My boyfriend recently got me hooked on roleplaying Dungeons and Dragons. Games such as this were never played in my house because they were considered to be of the Devil (grandmother was an evangelist, y'all). I kind of feel like I'm reliving my childhood with D&D plus I get to have quality time with the main squeeze since he's the DM (dungeon master) of the game. Seriously, you should have seen me when I bought my first set of dice last weekend. Giddy is not the word. Anyway I happened to be trolling around on Boing Boing and saw this picture of a D20 Groom's Cake was submitted. The things you can do with chocolate.


1 comment:

  1. Never played D and D but I got hooked on Magic the Gathering! Wow!
